“MJ and Harold Doherty are currently engaged as a tag-team to do-down Astrid van Woerkom. In their eyes, her being blind from birth, being a long-stay hospital patient and having a 299.0 Autistic Disorder diagnosis, isn't enough qualification for her to express any 'Neurodiverse' sentiments without being condemned as not knowing about the reality of Autism as 'suffered' by the Neurotypicals, MJ and HD.
Quite loathsome.”
Norton Gunthopre - Facebook discussion
10 Replies:
Actually, you should get your story straight. Astrid has been taking my ideas to task and rebutting them on her blog mostly, not the other way around, and I welcome her critiques. I don't view a difference of opinion to be a bad thing.
As for disputing her qualifications to talk about autism, well, she is more than qualified to talk about her experiences with autism. Just as I am more than qualified to talk about my experiences with my children and Harold is more than qualified to talk about his experiences.
I don't happen to agree with some of her ideas about autism, and if you find having a difference of opinion is "quite loathsome", well, you are entitled to your opinion.
I have inelegantly stated my case and I apologise.
What is loathsome is not robust debate but the qualifications necessary to matriculate and be considered a worthy combatant.
The "My pain is bigger than your pain" Gambit has no place in any Autism debate.
There is too little acceptance or even recognition of the serious and sometimes fatal consequences of the brand of Autism that both you and Harold hold in contempt.
There is also too little recognition of the difficulties faced by parents by the latterly vocal ASAN/Neurodiversity confabulation.
Now the Super Shiny Autist's have limped away to lick their wounds, the vacuum shall not be filled by the Mummies Martyr Brigade.
You forgot to mention the "you have autism, I have autism, therefore I can talk for you" gambit. Which is closely related to the "I don't have a casein sensitivity, low zinc, low cholesterol, low iron, protein deficiency, or high copper so you don't either" ploy. Those are two of my favorites.
As I pointed out (http://autismjabberwocky.blogspot.com/2010/07/autism-spectrum-dichotomy.html), autism looks very different in different people but it seems that the needs of the lower functioning ones - especially children - are ignored or minimized in the rush to portray autism as just a quirk.
And I have a real problem with that, especially since it directly impacts my children.
I am working quite hard to stamp on the pieces left after the massive attack on 'Neurodiversity' from amongst many others, Bob Badour, Michelle Dawson, Socrates, Dr Dinah Murry, and Kent Adams.
Ari still got to the Whitehouse, so ASAN's done it's job. It will now become a finishing school for mildly reticent, badly dressed Preppies to buff-up their credentials before moving on and up.
A Great Lie was perpetrated by an unholy Trinity.
We are Antipodes, and we are αδελφοί.
I am not trying to be insulting, but have you ever considered using plain words to describe your thoughts?
Conversations are easier when the other party doesn't sound like they swallowed a fortune cookie.
Just a thought.
"We are Antipodes, and we are αδελφοί."
Perhaps you could re-write this for me in "plain words". First you will need to read Nietzsche Contra Wagner, then a little Pindar. Then read this.
If you want kindergarten English, and kindegarten logic, I suggest you pop-over and see Harold; check-out Fox News and subscribe to the New York Post.
There are circa 750,000 words in the English language and all are available for legitimate use.
Then perhaps you could rewrite these in "plain words" or enlighten me as to the work literature they are from -
"Now the Super Shiny Autist's have limped away to lick their wounds, the vacuum shall not be filled by the Mummies Martyr Brigade."
"A Great Lie was perpetrated by an unholy Trinity."
You seem to be conflating having a large vocabulary and being well read with advanced logic. Just because you dress up your arguments does not make them better. Succinct beats fancy every day of the week.
PS αδελφοί is not a word in the English language
These arguments do not require and probably aren't tractable to advanced logic.
They require no more than the logicial thinking skills displayed in James I/VI's Counterblaste to Tobbacco and that you are well versed in the 'Great Debate'.
If you do not know what a Super Shiny is; if you aren't aware of the circumstances of Ari Ne-eman's ennoblement; if you are unaware of the pillars of Neurodiversity, then like your discussion of a Paper, which you refused to read, participation in this debate is pointless.
"αδελφοί is not a word in the English language" Yes it is - Adelphi.
It will now become a finishing school for mildly reticent, badly dressed Preppies to buff-up their credentials before moving on and up.
Meanwhile, I'm in a "world of shit." As always, looking in from outside.
Adelphoi means brothers.
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